Manuscript received March 10, 2020; revised April 16, 2020; accepted September 24, 2020;issue published February 19, 2021.
Abstract— In order to understand the failure mode and limit state of transmission tower components in the wind-induced vibration damage stage, this paper takes a 220kV transmission line in Guangdong as the research object. Through the analysis of the failure path of main materials under different wind speeds and the collapse state of tower line system, the following conclusions are drawn: 1. Under the action of wind load, the collapse of transmission tower mainly occurs in the middle of the tower. The tower line system is the most sensitive at 90 ° and the wind angle of 0 ° is the least sensitive. 2. Among the main members, the two ends of the main member supported by diaphragm and auxiliary member have weak restraint and the largest force, and yield first under load. 3. When the critical wind speed reaches 90 ° wind direction, the transmission tower collapses fastest and the tower body collapses due to elastic-plastic instability.