Manuscript received March 8, 2020; revised July 1, 2020; accepted September 7, 2020;issue published February 19, 2021.
Abstract—Corrosion mitigation and corrosion control monitoring have been a top concern for reinforced concrete structures. Cathodic protection is known as one of the simple but effective methods in anti-corrosion. This study introduces a detachable galvanic anode system with a characteristic of easy installation and replacement at a low cost. The effectiveness of this model at the early stages was confirmed in the previous researches. In this study, the effectiveness of long-term prospects was assessed through the data recorded continuously for nearly 600 days. In addition, a model allowing automatically monitor the health of the bridge using vibration energy harvester base on magnetostrictive materials was also mentioned with the preliminary experimental results, confirming its feasibility in mass production and wide application into existing structures.