Manuscript received January 13, 2020; revised January 28, 2020; accepted May 1, 2020;issue published February 19, 2021.
Abstract—Thailand ministry of energy has declared to increase the use of alternative energy 25% in 10 years, 2012-2021. Follow the government policy, Khon Kaen University, came up with the renewable energy plan as part of the main policy between 2012-2015. The beginning of solar cells projects in Khon kaen University are between the years 2012-2015 following the Thai government policy at that time. The public lighting and solar roof are the two main applications at this period. It can be concluded that during that period the university can produce 40,513.40 Kw-Hr/year or 164,231.10 bath/year. The projects draw attention of people within the campus and outside and made people concern of the renewable energy widely. Nowadays, as the solar cells technology has been changed, Khon Kaen University has to follow the new technology and plan for more solar cells application in the future.