Abstract—Early detection, timely maintenance, and recovery works can enhance the lifetime of a structure and prevent overall failure, guaranteeing its structural safety and serviceability with minimum cost. In snowy regions of Japan, reinforced concrete slab decks are experiencing early deterioration caused by salt damage owing to the penetration of the chloride ion contained in the anti-freezing agent into the interior of the concrete. Because the deteriorated parts are locally and scattered, repair and maintenance by access from the bridge surface are difficult. Therefore, the efficient maintenance works on bridges degraded by salt damage are required. With the aim of contributing to efficient structural health monitoring approaches, the authors propose a steel corrosion mitigation method by constructing an easily detachable sacrificial anode from the lower surface of a bridge. Based on the obtained results, this study first describes the proposed corrosion mitigation method, then outlines an actual case study performed on an actual bridge to clarify the corrosion mitigation effect. In addition, the process of construction, maintenance, and management of the proposed method are introduced.