Abstract—Construction waste has been dramatically increased in the last decade, social and environmental concerns on the recycling have consequently been increased. Recent technology has greatly improved the recycling process for waste concrete. This paper presents comparison of properties of natural and recycled aggregates and also the effect of mineral admixtures (like Fly Ash, Metakaolin) on behavior of Recycled Aggregate Concrete (RAC). This paper presents the experimental results of RAC prepared with different amount of Recycled Coarse Aggregate (RCA). Six mixes of concrete with 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100% replacement of natural aggregate with recycled aggregate (RCA) are cast respectively with target compressive strength 25 MPa. In addition to this partial replacement to the weight of cement is done with Fly Ash (20%), Metakaolin (20%) for all mixes. 10 mm, 12 mm, 16 mm diameter bars are used for pull out test (Bond Stress). The bond stress using cylinder specimens and bars having diameter 10 mm, 12 mm, 16 mm are used for pull out test (Bond Stress) and tested at the age of 28 days. Depth of steel bar in cylindrical specimen is considered as 15 times diameter of bar. This paper focuses on the possibility of the use of recycled aggregate as a structural material. Index Terms—C & D waste, Fly Ash, Metakaolin, Recycled Aggregates, Recycled aggregate concrete, Bond stress Cite: Pratik B. Pawar, Shantanu G Pande, and Pradip D. Jadhao, "A Study of Bond Stress Developed In Recycled Aggregate Concrete in Presence of Mineral Admixture," International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp.28-36, February 2015.