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Int. J Struct. Civ. Eng. Res.
Prof. Eric Strauss
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Assoc. Prof. Wenxing Zhou
Executive Editor:
Ms. Cherry L. Chen
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Prof. Eric Strauss
Michigan State University, USA
I am very excited to serve as the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research
and hope that the publication can enrich the readers’ experience...
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Published Issues
Volume 2, No. 3, August 2013
A Study of Noise in Gorakhpur City, Uttar Pradesh (India)
Renesha Singh and Govind Pandey
Department of Civil Engeneering, Madan Mohan Malviya Engineering College Gorakhpur, Gorakhpur, UP, India 273001
—The present study indicates that Gorakhpur city is suffering from higher level of noise pollution as compared to standard stipulated by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), New Delhi. It was observed from the study that the places which must be peaceful are also in the grip of noise. The main causes of higher noise level in Gorakhpur city are population, traffic, and indiscipline among the public due to disobedience of Noise Act. For this purpose present study was carried out at different locations of silent zone, residential zone and commercial zone with Sound Level Meter to assess the day and night sound level. Gorakhpur city is one of the important cities of Uttar Pradesh. So an attempt has been made in city of Gorakhpur to measure noise level and also made recommendations to overcome this noise pollution in the prominent city.
Index Terms
—gorakhpur city, noise pollution, sound level meter; permissible limit
Cite: Renesha Singh and Govind Pandey, "A Study of Noise in Gorakhpur City, Uttar Pradesh (India)," International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 241-249, August 2013.
A Study on CBR Behavior of Waste Plastic (PET) On Stabilized Red Mud and Fly Ash
Alteration of Basalt and Calcareous Aggregates Roundness with Different Abrasion Methods