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Int. J Struct. Civ. Eng. Res.
Prof. Eric Strauss
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Assoc. Prof. Wenxing Zhou
Executive Editor:
Ms. Cherry L. Chen
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Prof. Eric Strauss
Michigan State University, USA
I am very excited to serve as the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research
and hope that the publication can enrich the readers’ experience...
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Published Issues
Volume 2, No. 3, August 2013
A Study on CBR Behavior of Waste Plastic (PET) On Stabilized Red Mud and Fly Ash
Bala Ramudu Paramkusam, Arun Prasad, and Chandra Shekhar Arya
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi-221005
—An experimental study was carried out to investigate the dry density and CBR behavior of waste plastic (PET) content on stabilized red mud, fly ash and red mud fly ash mix. In the present work pieces of waste plastic (PET) bottle size less than 20 mm and bigger than 4.75 mm was taken and mixed in different proportions of 0.5, 1, 2, 3, and 4% by dry weight of red mud, fly ash and red mud fly ash mix and the geotechnical properties were evaluated. The study reveals that addition of waste plastic (PET) content in red mud, fly ash and red mud fly ash mix resulted in an appreciable increase in the dry density and CBR values. The benefit of adding waste plastic content beyond 2% does not improve the dry density and CBR values appreciably. The material can be used in base courses in constructing rural roads. There by leading to safe disposal of these waste materials in an environmentally friendly manner.
Index Terms
—waste plastic (PET), red mud, fly ash, stabilization, dry density and CBR
Cite: Bala Ramudu Paramkusam, Arun Prasad, and Chandra Shekhar Arya, "A Study on CBR Behavior of Waste Plastic (PET) On Stabilized Red Mud and Fly Ash," International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 232-240, August 2013.
Experimental Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Beam Retrofitted With Ferrocement
A Study of Noise in Gorakhpur City, Uttar Pradesh (India)