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Int. J Struct. Civ. Eng. Res.
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Michigan State University, USA
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and hope that the publication can enrich the readers’ experience...
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Published Issues
Volume 2, No. 3, August 2013
Intermittent Curing of M20 Concrete
Suresh B Piplewar
, Narendra M Kanhe
, and Devendra Pandey
1. Department of Applied Mechanics, Manoharbhai Patel Institute of Engineering & Technology, Gondia, Maharashtra State, India
2. Gurunanak Education Society’s Gurunanak Institute of Engineering & Management, Dahegaon, Kalmeshwar Road, Nagpur 441501, Maharashtra State, India
3. Department of Civil Engineering, Manoharbhai Patel Institute of Engineering & Technology, Gondia, Maharashtra State, India
—The present paper deals with the effect of intermittent curing methods on the strength of M20 concrete. Concrete specimens were evaluated at temperatures < 25°C. The water curing in the concrete specimens for test included 3,7,9,12,15,18,21,24 and 28 days. The comprehensive and comparative study of intermittent curing and the wet curing of M20 was sought. Studies of the effects upon strength of the various curing periods of alternate dry and wet curing at different air temperatures were done. On the basis of interpretation of the results the following outcomes were made: (1) Full time curing longer than 7 days was seldom justified, (2) If adequate intermittent curing was assured, a 7 days intermittent curing seemed adequate, (3) 3 days intermittent curing for 3 times a day produced a strength 98.95 percent of the 3 days full time curing and (4) a 7 days intermittent curing for 3 times a day produced a strength 95.67 percent of 7 days full time curing (5) a 21 days intermittent curing for 3 times a day produced a strength 94.65 percent of 21 days full time curing. Following fact was disclosed: the intermittent curing of concrete is sufficient and it does not reduce the compressive strength considerably , which is an important conclusion for saving the water and thereby electricity.
Index Terms
—curing methods, intermittent curing, M20 concrete
Cite: Suresh B Piplewar, Narendra M Kanhe, and Devendra Pandey, "Intermittent Curing of M20 Concrete," International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 165-171, August 2013.
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