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Int. J Struct. Civ. Eng. Res.
Prof. Eric Strauss
Associate Editor:
Assoc. Prof. Wenxing Zhou
Executive Editor:
Ms. Cherry L. Chen
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Prof. Eric Strauss
Michigan State University, USA
I am very excited to serve as the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research
and hope that the publication can enrich the readers’ experience...
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Published Issues
Volume 2, No. 3, August 2013
Investigation on Residual Compressive Strength of Self Compacting Concrete Using Fibers under Elevated Temperature
H S Jadhav and A S Patharwat
Department of Civil Engineering, Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnagar
—Fiber reinforced concrete is geometry made of steel, glass or natural fiber. In recent years, Self- Compacting Concrete (SCC) has gained wide use for placement in congested reinforced concrete structures with difficult casting conditions. SCC is basically developed to solve problems of pouring and setting concrete in high rebar densities structures. Now days, it is need to check the safety of structure against fire. It is a challenge to build fire resistant structure in an economical way. For a newly developing material like Glass fiber or Steel fiber SCC studies is of paramount importance for instilling confidence amongst the engineers and builders. The main aim of this experimental is to find out the residual compressive strength of fiber reinforced Self compacting concrete by using two aspect ratio of an Alkali-Resistance glass fiber and crimped type steel fiber. The specimens were heated to different elevated temperature 200°C, 350°C and 500°C and different duration 3 h, 6 h and 9 h for each temperature. From this experimental study concluded that the significant improvement in compressive strength is observed with the inclusion of fibers. The residual compressive strength remains more for AR High Desperation Glass fiber Self Compacting Concrete. Also percentage decrease in compressive strength is less for High Desperation Glass fiber Self Compacting Concrete which is 25% at 500°C for 9 h.
Index Terms
—glass fiber, steel fiber, self compacting concrete, elevated temperature, residual compressive strength
Cite: H S Jadhav and A S Patharwat, "Investigation on Residual Compressive Strength of Self Compacting Concrete Using Fibers under Elevated Temperature," International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 155-164, August 2013.
Seismic Response Analysis of Building Using Semiactive MR Dampers Involving Smart Passive Control
Intermittent Curing of M20 Concrete