Abstract— Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is available for determining the Safe Bearing Capacity of soil. This equipment confirms to IS 2131-1981. During the test 65kg hammer is lifted and dropped at an height of 75cm for more than 50 times. Atleast 8 persons are required. It is very difficult to handle the equipment and also balancing the tripod is very difficult.Electric motor is used for lifting and dropping the hammer. The motor is connected to the gear box and engine. It is operated by the microcontroller. The no of blows is recorded in the digital format.In this project it can save the time, manpower, and cost of labors and also the accurate results can received. The tripod of the equipment is made up of Mild steel (Fe250),and other parts are made up of hardened steel(EN 8).In our institution the SPT equipment is available and it is manually operated. It is very difficult for the operation. In slight modification the equipment is modified to fulfill this project.