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Int. J Struct. Civ. Eng. Res.
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Published Issues
Volume 7, No. 4, November 2018
Universal Design in Order to Reach the Inclusive City
Fatemeh Tavakoli
, Mana Pirhadi
, Mahsa Mastouri
, and Maryam Pirhadi
1. Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Chaloos Branch, Iran
2. Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
3. Architecture of Shahid Beheshti International Student Campus, Iran
4. Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch, Iran
—Over the past decades in the design of architecture and urbanization, the lack of use of the Viewpoint of the people as the Main users, has caused the various locations to be built, Not responding to the needs of all people in the community. In other words, the spaces available to all people are not Functional, and many people are not comfortable in existing spaces. Apart from the identity debate and the sense of belonging to the place, the power of use and the ease of access to that location are posed. To achieve greater accountability, there are Challenges that the needs of people in the community can be answered with respect to social justice. Today, attention is paid to diversity in society in the knowledge-based architecture and urbanization are important. But the problem here is how can universal design in general be able to respond scientifically to the needs of all people in society? This article tries to develop through an analytical-descriptive approach, introducing its Universal design and its objectives, We can see architectural effects in cities that are suitable for all people. The results indicate that the design, regardless of the existence of population diversity in the community, can lead to deprivation of the presence of groups in society.
Index Terms
— universal design, inclusive cities, social justice
Cite: Fatemeh Tavakoli, Mana Pirhadi, Mahsa Mastouri, and Maryam Pirhadi, "Universal Design in Order to Reach the Inclusive City," International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 395-399, November 2018. doi: 10.18178/ijscer.7.4.395-399
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