Abstract—The mass individualization paradigm based on open architecture products is regarded as a solution for increasing product variety. Open architecture products (OAPs) consist of a basic platform carrying on basic functions and several modules realizing personalized functions. The personalized modules are designed and developed with respect to the interface standards published by platform manufacturers. The benefits of OAPs include high level of individualization for the customers and opportunities for more companies to make innovative improvement to the products. The challenge is the reasonable product architecture design that determine the modules to be opened and maintain the open modules can be developed individually by different companies. This research focuses on the development strategy of OAPs that involve in product requirements and module identification issue. At first, the relationship between product requirements and product variety is analyzed, and the term of modular strategies is proposed to identify different kinds of product requirements. Then a modified quality function deployment (QFD) process along with a function decomposition and aggregation method are applied to identify modules with similar modular strategies. At last, an open architecture domestic refrigerator is used as an example to verify the effectiveness and effciency of the proposed method.