Abstract—The development of high-rise buildings should be followed by the development of technology related to the safety and comfort of building occupant. The Higher a building the earthquake forces was relatively smaller, on the other hand the higher a building, the wind speed is also increased. So it could be at a certain height, seismic forces that work on a high rise building does not become dominant compared to the effect of the wind. Wind load can induce vibration on high rise building which leads to occupant discomforts as well as fatigue of structural members and their linkages. Wind tunnel testing is a tool to assess vibration on high rise building due to wind load, where the major phenomenon is vortex induced vibration (VIV). In this research, vortex induced vibration occurs at 8.4 m/s wind speed in wind tunnel for first natural frequency. Besides VIV, there is other phenomenon occurs at the wind tunnel testing, that is lock-in phenomenon where it starts from 7.8 m/s up to 8.4 m/s with increasing amplitude, and decline afterwards until the next model natural frequency excited.