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Int. J Struct. Civ. Eng. Res.
Prof. Eric Strauss
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Assoc. Prof. Wenxing Zhou
Executive Editor:
Ms. Cherry L. Chen
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Prof. Eric Strauss
Michigan State University, USA
I am very excited to serve as the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research
and hope that the publication can enrich the readers’ experience...
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Published Issues
Volume 5, No. 4, November 2016
Numerical Investigation of Flow around Groins in Barotropic Condition
Mojtahedi Alireza, Omdehghiasi Hamed, Lotfollahi-Yaghin Mohammad Ali, and Hokmabady Hamid
Department of Water Resources Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
—Groins are a kind of structures which constructed to prevent the coastal areas from erosion and to manage the direction of flow. However, the groin body and related flow features are the main causes of local corrosion. In this study, we investigate the flow patterns around refractive and right-angle groins. The flow characteristics around a refractive groin are compared numerically and study to achieve a reliable right-angle groin of various projected lengths. The results indicate that the relation between the thalweg height and geometry of the channel and groin length can be approximated using linear formulas regardless of internal celerity in the flow region.
Index Terms
—groyne, barotropic current, baroclinic recirculation area, numerical modelling
Cite: Mojtahedi Alireza, Omdehghiasi Hamed, Lotfollahi-Yaghin Mohammad Ali, and Hokmabady Hamid, "Numerical Investigation of Flow around Groins in Barotropic Condition," International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 285-291, November 2016. doi: 10.18178/ijscer.5.4.285-291
Evaluation of the Long-Term Deflection Performance of Resilient Materials in Floor Floating Systems
Liquefaction Susceptibility Plot of Gerona, Central Luzon Philippines