Abstract—This paper presents a review of the previous work done on the seismic performance of tall buildings with different reinforced concrete slab systems. It focuses on flat slab and grid slab system. These two systems comprise the most attractive and commonly used floor systems, especially in high rise construction. The Flat slab building in which slab is directly supported by columns, have been adopted in many building constructed recently, due to the advantage of reduced floor to floor height. Grid slab system consists of thin beams spaced at regular intervals in perpendicular directions, monolithic with slab. The seismic performance of buildings having grid slab and flat slab is comparable but the differences exist. Tall buildings with flat slab system are weaker in shear whereas those with grid/conventional floor system are robust but taller and functionally less friendly. Index Terms—Flat slab, Grid slab, Seismic performance, Axial force, Storey drift Cite: Salman I Khan and Ashok R Mundhada, "Comparative Study of Seismic Performance of Multistoried RCC Buildings with Flat Slab and Grid Slab: A Review," International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp.75-80, February 2015.