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Int. J Struct. Civ. Eng. Res.
Prof. Eric Strauss
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Assoc. Prof. Wenxing Zhou
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Ms. Cherry L. Chen
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Prof. Eric Strauss
Michigan State University, USA
I am very excited to serve as the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research
and hope that the publication can enrich the readers’ experience...
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Published Issues
Volume 2, No. 3, August 2013
Appraisal of Stadium Junction Signalized Intersection On The 24th February Road, Kumasi-Ghana Using Micro Simulation Model
J K Borkloe, E K Nyantakyi, and P A Owusu
Department of Civil Engineering, Kumasi Polytechnic, P.O. Box 854, Kumasi, Ghana
—The importance of signalized intersections cannot be over emphasized in the smooth operation of traffic on both very heavy and busy arterial roads and urban street facilities. To design an efficient and effective traffic management operation system at intersections, traffic simulation models have mostly and widely been used in both transportation and traffic analyses because it is safer, faster, and cheaper than field implementation and testing. In view of the heavy traffic which still persist at the approach of the stadium junction on the Accra-Kumasi section of the road corridor during peak hours, this study appraised the performance of the signalized intersection using micro simulation models in Synchro/SimTraffic. This involve collecting traffic, geometric and signal control data including key parameters with the greatest impact on the calibration process on the field and using the Chi-square test and t-test analyses at 5% significant level to conclude that, headway was a better predictor with saturation flow compared to speed for both field and simulated conditions. This gave an indication that changes in phasing plan with an accompanying geometric improvement would improve upon the intersection's level of service.
Index Terms
—appraisal, signalized intersections, synchro/simtraffic, traffic geometry, signal control
Cite: J K Borkloe, E K Nyantakyi, and P A Owusu, "Appraisal of Stadium Junction Signalized Intersection On The 24th February Road, Kumasi-Ghana Using Micro Simulation Model," International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 115-132, August 2013.
Preserving the Environment Due to the Flash Floods in Vellar River at TV Puthur, Virudhachalam Taluk, Tamil Nadu: A Case Study
Structural Integrity Evaluation of Pile Foundations by Pile Integrity Testing