Abstract—Cement is one of the basic constituent of the reinforced cement concrete . Setting and hardening properties of cement affect the properties of concrete. When the pollutants present in atmosphere reacts with rainwater, it creates various types of weak and strong acids. The strong acids such as sulphuric and nitric acid have much influence on the basic properties of cement. Similarly soil pollution due to unplanned disposal of industrial and urban wastes on ground causes the presence of strong acids, bases and salts. The setting time of cement is very important property as it affects the concrete characteristics. In cement C 3 A hydrates most rapidly followed by the iron compound C 4 AF, then C 3 S and C 2 S. The paper presents result of an experimental investigations on setting times of cements. Index Terms—Cement Mortar, Blended Cement Cite: A. K. Sahu and A. K. Sachan, " Effect of Aggressive Chemical Environment on Setting Characteristics of Plain and Blended Cement," International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 77-83, May 2013.