Abstract—Fiber reinforced concrete is relatively an effective construction material in which the main use of fibers is to bridge across the cracks that develop in concrete. The main aim was to carry out a comparative study on crack width on Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) beams with and without the addition of fibers. By providing optimum dosage of volume fraction of asbestos fibers, studies on cracking behavior of Asbestos Fiber Reinforced Concrete (AFRC) beams were made in concrete under flexure. An experimental investigation was carried out to study the behavior of RC specimen with asbestos fiber and also to determine the optimum volume fraction of asbestos fibers (AFRC). The test results of beams obtained by static loading were used to determine the parameters like stress-strain relationship, moment curvature relationship and crack width on both RCC beams and AFRC beams. This paper dealt with crack width only. It was also found that with increase in the volume fraction of asbestos fibers resulted in reduction of crack width. Index Terms—RCC beams, Asbestos Fiber Reinforced Concrete (AFRC), Volume fraction, Crack width Cite: R. Baskar and C. Merlin Rani, "Crack Width Study on Asbestos Fibre RCC Beams," International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 43-50, November 2012.