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In-Situ Test Research of Restraint Reinforced Cement-Soil Pile

X. Q. Wang, Y. L. Cui, and S. M. Zhang
Department of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University City College, Hangzhou, China

Abstract—Restraint reinforced cement-soil pile is a pile in which the ordinary cement-soil pile is installed and wrapped with geogrid and carbon fiber cloth on its outside. This paper studies the load-bearing mechanism and construction technology of new restraint reinforced cement-soil pile at first; it has carried out indoor unconfined compressive strength comparative test through on-site coring combined with construction, finding out the strength of restraint reinforced cement-soil pile could be increased by 15%-20%, and its construction technology and the strength of construction pile could meet the design requirements. The comparative study on the static load test of ordinary cement pile and restraint reinforced cement pile of same diameter and length was conducted, and it turned out the ultimate load-bearing capacity of restraint reinforced cement-soil pile under the same condition could be improved by 10% to 15%, and its settlement value was less than ordinary cement-soil pile under the same load.

Index Terms—restraint reinforced, cement-soil pile, core drilling, static load test

Cite: X. Q. Wang, Y. L. Cui, and S. M. Zhang, "In-Situ Test Research of Restraint Reinforced Cement-Soil Pile," International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 192-195, August 2016. doi: 10.18178/ijscer.5.3.192-195