Manuscript received December 9, 2020; revised March 20, 2021; accepted May 8, 2021;issue published May 20, 2021
Abstract—In the face of an event of mud or debris flow in a dry creek, a reduction of the hazard level was sought through hyperconcentrated flow modeling in FLO-2D. Among the software requirements, the characterization of the hydrology, topography, geology and geotechnics of the stream was required. In addition, it was necessary to establish the Manning "n" roughness for the zone within the simulation and the rheological parameters that represented the behavior of the fluid. Three methodologies were used for calibration, which validated the contribution of the research. The FLO-2D model showed values of flow depths and flow velocities, which were necessary for the elaboration of the hazard map. As a mitigation measure, the placement of dykes in the stream bed was considered to analyze flow depths, velocities, and the hazard level. Among the results obtained, it was observed that, in the urban zone, the area corresponding to a medium and high level of hazard was reduced by 59.8% and 96.1%, respectively. In conclusion, the placement of dykes in the creek significantly reduced the level of hazard generated by a hyperconcentrated flow.