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The Effect of Organizational Safety Behavior on Builders Autonomous Safety Behavior - the Mediation of Builders Safety Psychological Capital

Jian Shen and Hongxia Li
College of Management, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xi’an Shaanxi, China

Abstract—It is great significant for preventing builders safety accidents to investigate the relationship between organizational safety behavior and builders autonomous safety behavior. This paper divides the organizational safety behavior into three dimensions, i.e., safety training, safety inspection and safety incentive. Builders' safety psychological capital is introduced as an intermediary variable. Structural equation model is used to analyze and verify the relationship of the organizational safety behavior, builders ' safety psychological capital and builders' autonomous safety behavior, which is expected to reveal the influence mechanism of organizational safety behavior on builders' autonomous safety behavior. The results show that the three dimensions of organizational safety behavior have significant positive effects on builders' safety psychological capital and builders' autonomous safety behavior, and the builders' safety psychological capital plays a part of intermediary role in the relationship between organizational safety behavior and builders' autonomous safety behavior. 

Index Terms—builders autonomous safety behavior; builders safety psychological capital; organizational safety behavior

Cite: Jian Shen and Hongxia Li, "The Effect of Organizational Safety Behavior on Builders Autonomous Safety Behavior - the Mediation of Builders Safety Psychological Capital," International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 149-155, May 2020. doi: 10.18178/ijscer.9.2.149-155

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