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Tanjung Priok Port Development Policy Effect Analysis to DKI Jakarta Economic Growth with System Dynamic Approach

Anggit Prakoso, Armand O. Moeis, and Komarudin Sayuti
SEMS Laboratory, Industrial Engineering Department, University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia

Abstract— DKI Jakarta as the capital city of Indonesia has a role as the main gate to national and international trade through its Tanjung Priok Port. The New Priok Port project then rise its priority to be executed due to the natural important roles of Tanjung Priok Port for the country as well as the fact that the 2015 Tanjung Priok Port Capacity has reached its limit to handle the rapid flow of container. Port development theoretically would give a huge multiplier effect that are higher than the benefit perceived by the port itself. Port development effect is predicted to absorb employment and income. But in other hand, the logistic infrastructure conditions in DKI Jakarta is currently relatively bad, this also become much worse by the traffic jam condition. Access road condition to the main industrial district is also bad. These situations could lead to the diseconomies of DKI Jakarta. The result shows that the port related sector could absorb more employment over time. Another result that also discussed in this research is the effect of policy interventions made by port authorities and government: tariff progressive policy and access road development which has shown good contribution to increase the port and industrial competitiveness. 
Index Terms—system dynamic, GDRP, port, transportation, employment, policy analysis

Cite: Anggit Prakoso, Armand O. Moeis, and Komarudin Sayuti, "Tanjung Priok Port Development Policy Effect Analysis to DKI Jakarta Economic Growth with System Dynamic Approach," International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 285-292, November 2017. doi: 10.18178/ijscer.6.4.285-292