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High-Performance Textile Concrete Structural Element Loaded by Bending Moment

Tomas Bittner, Petr Bouska, Sarka Nenadalova, and Milan Rydval
Klokner Institute, CTU in Prague, Prague 6, Czech Republic

Abstract—Experiments of thin elements made from ultra-high performance concrete reinforced by a textile glass mat were carried out under laboratory conditions. The concrete had a fine-grained matrix according to a recipe. The recipe has been designed at the Klokner Institute. Thin-walled test specimens were subjected to a short-term load as well as to a long-term load. The short-term loading was performed in the testing machine and the long-term one under permanent load. The 2D glass textile reinforcement was protected by an alkali-resistant treatment and was loaded in four-point bending test. Many accompanying tests determined the material properties of the matrix and of the glass reinforcements. A comparison was made between the results of the experimental investigation and the results of numerical analysis.

Index Terms—Textile Reinforcement, AR glass, Fine-grained UHPC, Computer Simulation, Loading, Deformations

Cite: Tomas Bittner, Petr Bouska, Sarka Nenadalova, and Milan Rydval, "High-Performance Textile Concrete Structural Element Loaded by Bending Moment," International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 89-92, May 2017. doi: 10.18178/ijscer.6.2.89-92